TeamViewer Germany GmbH(TeamViewer德国有限公司)及其关联集团公司非常重视保护您的个人信息。个人信息是指与已识别或可识别的自然人有关的任何信息,如姓名、地址、电子邮件地址、IP地址或用户行为等。本隐私政策("《通用隐私政策》")为您提供与管理我们之间的合同关系——如《最终用户许可协议》(EULA;下称“《用户协议》”)或其他相关协议中所描述和定义——相关的个人信息处理讯息,以及在所有其他情况下(如您与我们联系时)的个人信息处理讯息。
除本《通用隐私政策》外,请参考我们的各项《产品隐私政策》以了解您所使用的各类TeamViewer产品的相关详细信息,如TeamViewer Remote Access and Support(TeamViewer远程访问和支持)、Frontline、IoT、TeamViewer Meeting(原blizz产品)、Assist AR、Remote Management、Servicecamp等产品。
TeamViewer Germany GmbH (TeamViewer德国有限公司;下称“TeamViewer”), 公司地址为Bahnhofsplatz 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany(德国) ,作为《欧盟通用数据保护条例》("GDPR")定义的数据控制者(GDPR第4条第7款)——或根据其他适用的当地法律法规所定义的自主决定处理目的、处理方式的个人信息处理者(本《通用隐私政策》中凡援引GDPR处,均亦可作为其他适用的当地法律法规的同款或内容相近的相关规定的援引,下同)——负责处理由我们自主确定处理目的和方式的个人信息。
TeamViewer任命一名外部数据保护专员(DPO)。此外,TeamViewer还建立了一个专门的数据保护小组,该团队与数据保护专员密切合作。您可通过电邮[email protected]或致信TeamViewer Germany GmbH,for the confidential attention of the DPO(保密转呈数据保护专员),Bahnhofsplatz 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany(德国)来联系数据保护专员和数据保护小组。
以上个人信息处理的法律依据基于我们的合法权益(GDPR第6条第1款f)项)或基于您的同意(GDPR第6条第1款 c) 项及第49条第1款a)项)。
如果您通过我们的网站聊天功能或电话联系我们,我们可能会处理您的姓名、电话号码、TeamViewer ID、咨询类型和您提供给我们的其他信息。如果您在工作时间以外联系我们,我们可能会储存您的信息,以便尽快回复您。我们需要处理您的个人信息,以使我们能够正确回应您的请求。
如果您使用我们的在线客服工单系统提交关于您的TeamViewer产品或其他类似请求的工单(例如,更新您的联系信息、请求解约或续约、商业使用、技术问题、恢复试用期、盗用许可证密钥等),我们可能会根据请求类型,处理您的姓名、电子邮件地址、TeamViewer ID、许可证密钥、账单号码以及您提交的与工单相关的任何其他信息,这可能包括您的电话号码、国家、提交工单原因、汇编连接历史的日志文件、IP地址和您使用TeamViewer产品的信息,我们会在每种情况下分别告知您为解决您的请求所需要的信息。有时,我们的员工可能会远程连接到您的设备,帮助您解决存在的问题。
以上个人信息处理的法律依据基于您的同意参与调查(GDPR第6条第1款a) 项),您可以在任何时候撤回您的同意,但不影响撤回前基于同意已进行的个人信息处理活动的效力。
以上个人信息处理的法律依据基于您的同意参加抽奖活动(GDPR第6条第1款a) 项),您可以在任何时候撤回您的同意,但不影响撤回前基于同意已进行的个人信息处理活动的效力。
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php
Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875
如果您提交客服工单要求我们提供关于您的个人信息处理的相关讯息,我们可能会处理您的电子邮件、TeamViewer ID以及其他信息,以便初步识别您的身份,以及在我们可识别您的情况下,收集我们持有的关于您的个人信息情况,并按照GDPR的规定以有序的方式提供给您。在回答您的询问的范围内,我们可能会处理我们的产品隐私政策中确定的任何种类的个人信息。在这种情况下,处理的目的是为了回答您的问询,并遵守我们的法律义务。
以上个人信息处理的法律依据为遵守我们的法律义务(GDPR第6条第1款c) 项)。
在您下了订单之后,您将收到一个链接来激活客户门户(Customer Portal),您可以使用您关联TeamViewer管理员帐户的电子邮件地址创建客户门户的帐户。客户门户由 TeamViewer提供以方便您或您的公司对许可证和合同进行管理。在那里,您可找到有关当前订阅、账单、付款和统一管理TeamViewer许可证和合同的其他相关信息。
我们也可能不时地通过电子邮件或产品信息服务与您联系,通知您关于我们的《用户协议》、隐私政策、产品更新、安全更新等方面即将发生的变化。在此过程中,我们可能会处理您的姓名、电子邮件、产品信息(例如您在使用的TeamViewer版本)以及您的TeamViewer ID。
为了管理欠债和未付账单,TeamViewer使用第三方债务催收机构的服务。为此目的,TeamViewer可能会将您的姓名、公司名称、地址、未付债务和其他相关的合同信息转移给收债公司。我们目前与Creditreform Göppingen Engelhardt KG在这方面合作。
以上个人信息处理的法律依据为遵守我们的法律义务(GDPR第6条第1款c) 项)。
以上个人信息处理的法律依据基于我们的合法权益(GDPR第6条第1款f)项,GDPR Rec 第47条和第71条)。
我们当然有兴趣与我们的客户和用户,以及合作伙伴和供应商保持联系,以便让您了解相关的新闻、更新、合同信息,并向您提供我们的营销通讯和信息。在此过程中,我们可能会处理您的姓名、电子邮件、您的TeamViewer ID和其他联系信息。
关于LinkedIn Sales Navigator的更多信息,请参考此链接。关于LinkedIn如何处理你的个人信息的信息可以在其隐私政策中找到。
以上个人信息处理的法律依据是基于您的同意(GDPR第6条第1款a) 项)。
通过我们的时事通讯电邮,我们希望向您提供与您最相关和最感兴趣的信息。为此,我们(由我们的数据处理商Inxmail GmbH协助)可能会跟踪您对我们发送的电子邮件的反应和互动(例如,您是否打开通讯,点击文本和图像链接或显示电子邮件中包含的图像)。
如果您注册了我们的时事通讯,TeamViewer会处理您的个人信息,以便向您发送时事通讯电邮。向您的电子邮件地址发送通讯的是基于您的同意(GDPR第6条第1款a) 项)。您可以在任何时候撤回您的同意,但不影响撤回前基于同意已进行的个人信息处理活动的效力。请使用每封通讯邮件中提供的退订链接或联系[email protected]。
如果您已经购买了许可证,或作为注册的免费用户使用我们的软件,我们将根据《德国反不正当竞争法》第7条第3款(或其他适用法律的相关规定) of the German Anti-Unfair Competition Act,征求您的同意为您订阅我们的时事通讯,使您获取相关讯息(如与您购买的产品类似的产品信息)。您可以在任何时候使用每封通讯邮件中附带的取消订阅链接或联系[email protected]拒绝接收此类通讯,我们不会为此收取任何额外费用。
如您是许可证订阅用户,您可以在您的软件中禁用产品内的信息服务,或您也可电邮至[email protected]与我们联系以取消前述服务。
以上个人信息处理的法律依据是您的同意(GDPR第6条第1款a)项) 或基于与您的合同关系(GDPR第6条第1款b)项)。您可以在任何时候撤回您的同意,但不影响撤回前基于同意已进行的个人信息处理活动的效力。
此外,我们利用外部服务提供商的服务(例如,微软、亚马逊网络服务、Inxmail GmbH、Cloudfare等),以及我们在全球的集团网络(例如,TeamViewer在希腊、美国、澳大利亚、奥地利、日本等国的子公司)。
TeamViewer谨慎地选择所有第三方服务供应商,让他们承担保密义务,并根据GDPR的标准(如适用)与他们签订数据处理协议。如果您对我们使用的第三方有任何疑问,请联系我们,[email protected]。
如果您购买了TeamViewer产品,TeamViewer负责处理此类交易的员工将获得您的个人信息。我们还使用第三方支付标记提供商的服务,分别是PPRO Latin America GmbH和Adyen N.V.。为了防止欺诈,您的个人信息也可能由反诈欺软件为我们进行处理。
在为您托管和处理您的个人信息时,我们可能会使用某些委托处理商,例如Anexia Internetdienstleistungs GmbH、Amazon Web Services、IBM Deutschland GmbH、Google Ireland Ltd. 或 TeamViewer Austria GmbH等。
对于网络分析和(再)营销活动,我们依靠一些第三方提供商的服务,其将代表我们处理个人信息,更多详细解释请参见我们的《Cookie 政策》。
最后,TeamViewer使用外部第三方服务提供商来帮助运营其业务,如IT运营和维护服务提供商,(云)存储服务提供商和(云)协作工具的提供商,例如亚马逊网络服务和微软(Dynamics 365、Azure)。作为一家全球性公司,我们可能会收到需要翻译的其他语言的查询要求。在此情况下,我们的员工可能使用第三方翻译工具来处理您的查询要求。因此您可能需要避免将个人信息输入您的查询要求的主题行和描述部分。
记账和会计:在某些情况下,我们根据法律要求必须保留个人数据一段时间,例如:发票或支付详情 相关的个人信息将保留十年。
保护我们的合法利益:我们可能需要存储个人数据以保护我们自己的合法利益,例如:票据数据或 CRM 数据将暴露三 年(法定诉讼时效期限的持续时间)。
您可以通过书面形式或电子邮件与我们联系,[email protected],以便在适用的法律规定范围内行使以下权利。
根据第13条和第14条,您有权要求获得有关您的个人信息处理的信息(知情权;GDPR第 13条和14条)。
您有权随时选择退出基于您的同意( GDPR 第 6 条第 1 款 a) 项)而进行的数据处理活动。您的选择退出不会影响已发生的数据处理行为的合法性。
TeamViewer的对应监管机构为:Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, Königstraße 10a, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany(德国)。
如果您对TeamViewer德国公司处理您的个人信息有任何疑问,请联系[email protected]。
Version as of March 2024
If you are a located in North or South America, this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy“) explains how TeamViewer US, Inc. (collectively, “TeamViewer,” “we,” or “us“) collects, uses, discloses, and retains your personal data when you access or use our website. If you are located in India, then “TeamViewer,” “we,” and “us” refers to both TeamViewer US, Inc. and TeamViewer India Private Ltd., 5th floor, Spectrum Tower, Mindspace, Chincholi Bunder Road, Malad (West) Mumbai, MH, 400064. If you are located in Australia or New Zealand, then then “TeamViewer,” “we,” and “us” refers to both TeamViewer US, Inc. and TeamViewer Pty, Ltd., 118 Greenhill Road, SA 5061 Unley, Adelaide, Australia. Please review this Privacy Policy carefully.
Please note that the TeamViewer Group may provide different or additional privacy notices in connection with certain activities, products, services, and offerings. For more information about our privacy practices concerning our products, services, and other jurisdictions, please refer to the privacy policies posted on ours or the applicable TeamViewer Group website.
TeamViewer reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will revise the date at the top of this Privacy Policy. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we may also choose to provide you with additional notice (such as adding a statement to our websites’ homepages or sending you a notification).
In this Privacy Policy, “personal data” means any information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with or reasonably can be used to identify an individual or household and other data that is linked to personal data. The types of personal data we collect about you depend on your interactions with us and are described in more detail below.
We collect personal data directly from you in a variety of ways, including when you:
The types of data we collect directly from you may include: your first name, last name, e-mail address, address, telephone number, country, job title, phone number, username, company information (including company size), demographic information, personal preferences, reactions to and interactions with our communication channels, account information, purchase history, and any other personal data that you choose to include in your submissions or communications with us.
We automatically collect personal data when you access and use our website. The types of information we collect may include:
We may collect personal data about you from other sources. For example, we may collect personal data about you from:
We may derive information or draw inferences about you based on the other types of personal data we collect. For example, we may infer your location based on your IP address.
We collect and use personal data for business and commercial purposes, including to:
We share personal data for the purposes described below:
a. With our Affiliates and Subsidiaries. Disclosures of your personal data to the TeamViewer Group, including our parent entities, subsidiaries and affiliates (as the case may be), for the purposes described in the “USE OF PERSONAL DATA” section above. Specifically, if and when you become a TeamViewer customer we may share information such as your name, email address, address, telephone number, country, job title, username, company information (including company size), demographic information, personal preferences, reactions to and interactions with our communication channels, account information, purchase history, chosen payment method, information to support payment processing (including a payment token), invoice ID, price paid, currency, invoice date, tax code, license key, license start and expiry dates, and any other information collected through our websites or that you choose to include in your profile or in other communications with us. Since our parent company, subsidiaries and affiliates are located around the world, please note that these disclosures involve international transfers of your personal data.
b. With our Service Providers. We share personal data with unaffiliated companies or individuals we hire or work with that perform services on our behalf, including customer support, web hosting, information technology, payment processing, product fulfilment, fraud control, direct mail and email distribution, events, contests, sweepstakes and promotion administration, and analytics services. We only share with service providers the personal data that they need to perform services for us. Since our service providers are located around the world, please note that these disclosures involve international transfers of your personal data.
c. With our Professional Advisors. We share personal data with our legal, financial, and other advisors in connection with the management of all or part of TeamViewer’s business or operations.
d. With Law Enforcement Authorities and Individuals Involved in Legal Proceedings. We disclose personal data when we believe doing so is reasonably necessary to comply with applicable law or legal process (including an enforceable request from authorities), to respond to claims (including inquiries by you in connection with your purchases from TeamViewer), or to protect the rights, property or personal safety of TeamViewer, our users, employees or the public.
e. With Your Consent or at Your Direction. We share personal data with third parties when we have your consent to do so. For example, if you decide to participate in certain interactive areas or features of our events or services, you consent to the disclosure of this information to other users of our websites. We may also share your personal data with third parties when you intentionally direct us to do so or when you use our services to intentionally interact with third parties.
We may also share aggregated or de-identified information, which cannot reasonably be used to identify you.
We may allow others to provide analytics services and serve advertisements on our behalf across the web and in mobile applications. These entities may use cookies, web beacons, device identifiers, and other tracking technologies which collect information about your use of our services and other websites and applications. This information may be used by TeamViewer and others to, among other things, analyze and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, deliver advertising and content targeted to your interest on our services and other websites, and better understand your online activity.
Such tools include:
TeamViewer uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, or any other Affiliate of Google LLC (“Google“). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer and enable analysis of your use of our website. When you visit our website for the first time, you will be assigned a cookie with a unique user identification, i.e. a Google Analytics Client ID. We may replace this Google Analytics Client ID with your TeamViewer Device ID if you use one of our products (please refer to our Product Privacy Policy for details). We will add the respective data point to the data available in the Google Analytics tools, and this way we use Google Analytics also for cross-device analyses of user streams.
Other tools we use in this context that are also provided by Google include:
TeamViewer Group uses data gathered through your Google Analytics Client ID as well as other data generated from Google’s web analytics applications in order to perform analyses of your interactions with our products, services, and websites. With the help of Google’s Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, we will receive analyses on our users’ age, gender, and interest categories (please refer to https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2799357?hl=en for further information). We strive to offer you tailored products and services that are best suited for your individual circumstances. To that end, Google provides us with insights and statistics that help us to make our online presence, our communications to you, and ultimately our products more interesting and relevant for you.
As further explained in our Cookies Policy, you may block cookies from being stored on your device, and consequently prevent the described analyses from being conducted, by adjusting the settings in your browser software; however, in such case, you may not be able to use all of the features and functionalities of our website. You can also block the collection of the data generated by the cookie and the data related to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing a browser plugin available from the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.
Please visit the website https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en for an overview on Google’s approach on data protection for Google Analytics as well as their privacy policy: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.
TeamViewer uses web analytics services provided by Demandbase Inc., located at 680 Folsom Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94107 USA. Demandbase utilizes tracking technology, which includes the storing and accessing of cookies, to collect data about website visitors. Demandbase’s Tags, or JavaScript, pixels, cookies or other similar technology or code, cause a unique cookie ID to be associated with each visitor who accesses our website and may sync with third-party cookies. Demandbase’s Tags on our website may collect data on device information (such as a website visitor’s IP address), cookies, or other technical information (such as web browser type, operating system or timestamp).
The Demandbase Tags are used for analytics and advertising services provided by Demandbase. They are also used for performance and optimization of Demandbase data and reporting. Demandbase’s services help us tailor our communications and improve the quality of the content we provide to our prospects, users, and customers. It also helps to improve our website user experience and performance by personalizing and optimizing the website for visitors.
For further information on Demandbase’s privacy approach, visit https://www.demandbase.com/privacy-policy/. For more details on the cookies used by Demandbase, visit https://www.demandbase.com/cookies/.
TeamViewer’s website uses Google AdWords in order to generate attention for our products and services by conducting targeted advertising campaigns on third-party websites and apps. Data generated by such campaigns helps us to determine the success rate of individual campaigns. TeamViewer aims at providing you with advertisement that is of interest to you, to make its website more interesting, and calculate advertising expenses accurately.
Such means of advertisement are delivered by Google through a so-called Ad Server. Along with this, TeamViewer uses Ad Server Cookies, which scale certain parameters, such as display of ads or clicks by users. When you click on an ad delivered by Google that redirects you to our website, a cookie is stored on your computer by Google AdWords. These cookies usually expire within 30 days and are not supposed to be used to personally identify a user. In addition to these cookies, analytic values like a unique cookie ID, quantity of Ad impressions per storing, last impression and opt-out information (markings that the user does not want to be addressed any further) are usually stored. These cookies enable Google to recognize your internet browser.
If you visit certain pages on our website and provided the cookie stored on your computer has not yet expired, TeamViewer and Google are able to recognize that you clicked on an ad and were redirected to the TeamViewer website. Every Google AdWords customer receives a different cookie. Therefore, cookies cannot be tracked across different sites by TeamViewer, as is the case for all other AdWords customers. TeamViewer merely receives statistical evaluations from Google. By and through these statistical evaluations, we can evaluate which advertisement campaign was particularly effective. Any additional data generated by the particular advertisement is not forwarded to TeamViewer; particularly, we cannot personally identify users through this information.
Through this (re-)marketing tool, your browser automatically connects to Google’s servers. Please note that scope and further use of the data processed by Google are subject to Google’s privacy policy and beyond TeamViewer’s control. We thus inform you based on our own knowledge: By integrating AdWords, Google receives information that you visited a particular TeamViewer website or part thereof, and/or that you clicked on one of our advertisements. If you are registered with one of Google’s services, Google is able to match your visit to your Google account. Google may receive your IP address and/or may store it even if you are not registered with one of Google’s services and/or if you have not been logged in. You may avoid tracking in various ways, e.g. through:
Further information on Google’s approach to data privacy can be found under https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en. Alternatively, you can disable the use of cookies for interest-based advertising via the advertising network initiative, by following the instructions at https://optout.networkadvertising.org/?c=1#!%2F.
In addition to Google AdWords, TeamViewer uses the tool “Google Remarketing.” This is an application that allows us to address you again, even when you have left our website. After visiting our website and while you are surfing the internet, our advertisement can be displayed to you by and through this application. This is enabled by cookies stored on your device, which track and analyze user behavior on different websites for Google. Google can track your previous visits to our website.
According to its own statement, Google does not combine data gathered through Remarketing with any personal data Google may have stored about you. Furthermore, the data processed for these purposes is generally limited to pseudonymous information. If you do not want to be exposed to data processing through the Google Remarketing feature, you can disable it by changing the appropriate settings at https://adssettings.google.com/anonymous.
We also use other tools on our website allowing us to offer you a more personalized and engaged web experience by offering you advertisements on your social media channels that are more relevant to you. To that end, we use cookie-based (please refer again to our Cookies Policy) tools offered by the following third-party social media providers:
In each case, we integrate snippets of code provided by these social media operators that load a small library of functions (sometimes referred to as “tracking pixels”, i.e. transparent, pixel-sized images embedded in websites with a tracking functionality). These functions enable us to track your activities on our website, such as URLs visited, domains visited, device(s) used, and, in particular advertising conversions (i.e. actions counted when you interact with one of our ads, such as clicking it and purchasing our product afterwards). They rely on cookies placed by the mentioned third-party providers, which may also enable us to match our website visitors to respective user accounts on the respective social media platforms.
We may also use the “Custom Audience” service provided by Facebook Inc., for delivering targeted advertising to you. In this context, we would check whether you hold an account with Facebook for which you use the same email-address that you have provided to us and include you in a corresponding “custom audience” group. This works by us providing your email-address to Facebook Inc. in a hashed format, and this way making sure that Facebook will only process, as a data processor on our behalf, actual email-addresses of users that have already subscribed to their service (please refer to https://www.facebook.com/business/help/112061095610075?id=2469097953376494&helpref=faq_content for further information on this process). You may opt-out of receiving targeted ads because you are part of a custom audience created by TeamViewer through clicking a corresponding link when you select the “Why am I seeing this?” feature on the Facebook platform (see https://www.facebook.com/help/562973647153813?helpref=about_content).
Like many websites, TeamViewer uses “cookies” to analyze visits to our website and help us improve our website and services. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can usually set your browser to remove or reject cookies. Please follow your browser’s process for doing so. Please note that if you choose to remove or reject cookies, this could affect the availability and functionality of our websites. For detailed information on the cookies we use and the purpose for which we use them, see our Cookies Policy.
Your personal data will be deleted once you withdraw consent, or, more generally, once the purpose for processing has ceased to exist. In some cases, TeamViewer is legally obligated to retain data for a certain period. Once this period has lapsed, TeamViewer will delete the data in accordance with data protection obligations.
TeamViewer’s services are not intended for children under the age of 18. TeamViewer does not target our services to children under 18.
Please note that our websites contain links to third-party websites that are not controlled or operated by TeamViewer. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that TeamViewer does not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please review these policies before you disclose any personal data when visiting such third-party websites.
We take the safety of your personal data and its confidentiality very seriously and we provide reasonable security safeguards commensurate to the sensitivity of the personal data being handled and have implemented security practices including but not limited to technical, operational, and physical safeguards to protect your information. We implement a variety of security measures when entering, submitting, or accessing information to maintain the safety of your personal data. The website is scanned on a regular basis for any known vulnerabilities in order to make your use as safe as possible.
Your personal data is contained behind secured networks and it only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems or otherwise require personal data for appropriate purposes. These persons are also under an obligation to keep such personal data confidential. All of the data centers TeamViewer uses have achieved ISO/IEC 27001 certification, which is the international standard for information security management systems and security controls. The data centers have implemented state-of-the-art security controls, which means that personal access control, video camera surveillance, motion detectors, 24×7 monitoring, and on-site security personnel ensure access to the data center is only granted to authorized persons and guarantee the best possible security for hardware and data. There is also a detailed identification check at the single point-of-entry to the data center.
Please be aware that, although we endeavor to provide reasonable security for your personal data, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches.
We endeavor to ensure that all third-party service providers whose services which we may use, maintain security standards that are equivalent to our security standards and commensurate with market practices, in the context of the kind and nature of personal data being stored or handled.
For more information, you may visit the TeamViewer Trust Center or request for a copy of our Security Measures.
You may contact us in order to exercise the following rights to the extent you are entitled to so under applicable law:
To submit such a request, please contact us under [email protected], at 1-800-638-0253, or submit a ticket on our website. Your request will be promptly attended to by a member of our team. TeamViewer may request your name, email address, and/or account information in order to verify your request.
Should you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
This Privacy Policy contains links to sites and information that are not under TeamViewer’s direct control. These links are therefore subject to change and TeamViewer will review and update this Privacy Policy periodically to reflect such changes.
The California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) allows California residents, upon a verifiable consumer request and subject to applicable exemptions, to request that we give you access, in a portable and (if technically feasible) readily usable form, to the specific pieces and categories of personal information that we have collected about you, the categories of sources for that information, the business or commercial purposes for collecting the information, and the categories of third parties with which the information was shared. California residents also have the right to submit a request for deletion of information under certain circumstances.
Consistent with California law, TeamViewer will not discriminate against those who exercise their rights. Specifically, if you exercise your rights, we will not deny you services, charge you different prices for services or provide you a different level or quality of services.
To submit a data request, please contact us under [email protected], at 1-800-638-0253, or submit a ticket on our website. Please note that you must verify your identity and request before further action is taken. Consistent with California law, you may designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. In order to designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, you may have to provide a valid power of attorney, the requester’s valid government issued identification, and the authorized agent’s valid government issued identification.
We collect personal data from you and the sources described in the “PERSONAL DATA WE COLLECT FROM OTHER SOURCES” subsection of this Privacy Policy.
In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have collected the following categories of personal data: identifiers, characteristics of protected classifications under California or U.S. law, commercial information, internet and electronic network activity, geolocation data, audio and visual information, inferences drawn about your preferences, and other categories of personal data that relates to or is reasonably capable of being associated with you. For examples of the precise data points we collect, see the section titled “COLLECTION OF PERSONAL DATA” in this Privacy Policy.
We do not sell personal information to third parties, as that is defined under the CCPA.
In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have shared personal information with third parties for business purposes as further detailed in this Privacy Policy. We may share your personal data with third parties as described in the “DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA” section of this Privacy Policy.
In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have disclosed the following categories of personal data for business or commercial purposes: identifiers, internet and electronic network activity information, commercial information, audio and visual information, geolocation data, demographic information, inferred information, and other information that we have derived or inferred about you or that relates to or is reasonably capable of being associated with you. For information on the business or commercial purpose for using the personal data, see the section of this Privacy Policy titled “USE OF PERSONAL DATA.”
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, you may contact us at 1-800-638-0253 or [email protected].
TeamViewer US, Inc.
5741 Rio Vista Drive
Clearwater, FL 33760
We share also collect, use, and share data and personal data with other entities within the TeamViewer Group as it relates to a number of functions and activities related to the TeamViewer products, which are developed by, maintained, and contracted with our parent company, TeamViewer Germany GmbH. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, purchasing a product or service, concluding a purchase transaction, product trials, customer support, participation in customer online forums, and other customer-related activities. For more information for how we process this data and personal data, please visit our TeamViewer Group Privacy Policy.
2024 年 10 月 29日版本
TeamViewer Germany GmbH(TeamViewer德国有限公司)及其关联方非常重视保护您的个人信息。个人信息指与已识别或可识别的自然人有关的任何信息,如姓名、地址、电子邮件地址、IP地址或用户行为等。本隐私政策(“产品隐私政策”)为您提供与您使用我们的软件和服务有关的个人信息处理——这些信息也会在软件和服务(以下简称“产品”)的《最终用户许可协议》(以下简称“《用户协议》”)中进行描述和定义。
根据不同的信息处理方式及处理目的,TeamViewer可能具有不同的身份:(i) 作为《欧盟通用数据保护条例》(“GDPR”)中定义的控制者;或(ii) 作为客户的个人信息处理者,详见我们的《用户协议》和《数据处理协议》(“DPA”)中的定义。如果您的个人信息是由我们的客户或代表我们的客户提交的,请参阅相关客户的隐私政策。如果您希望行使适用数据保护法律下的任何权利,请直接联系为您提供我们产品的公司作为我们中定义的个人信息处理者。
在本文中,TeamViewer Germany GmbH(TeamViewer 德国有限公司,以下简称“TeamViewer”,公司地址:Bahnhofsplatz 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany)为根据GDPR第 4 条第 7 款的规定对个人信息进行所有处理的控制者,且处理目的和方式概由 TeamViewer 自主确定。
TeamViewer任命一名外部数据保护专员(DPO)。此外,TeamViewer还建立了一个专门的数据保护小组,该团队与数据保护专员密切合作。您可通过电邮[email protected]或致信TeamViewer Germany GmbH,for the confidential attention of the DPO(保密转呈数据保护专员),Bahnhofsplatz 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany(德国)来联系数据保护专员和数据保护小组。
当您首次在新设备上安装软件并使用我们的产品时,我们需要从该设备收集您的某些信息,例如:您的 IP 地址、设备的MAC地址、操作系统 (OS) 的特定标识符,以及其他与设备相关的信息,以确保设备的唯一性。根据该等信息,TeamViewer会创建唯一的机器ID(MID),TeamViewer基础结构主机根据该MID生成唯一TeamViewer设备ID (TeamViewer ID),从而使其能够区分已安装软件的用户设备。
如果您选择为您的账户添加双重认证的额外安全选项,TeamViewer将处理提供该选项和维护您的账户安全所需的数据,包括:登录尝试次数、位置和会话是否活跃、手机号码及TeamViewer ID。
TeamViewer 需使用由 Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd.(地址:One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland)( “Microsoft”)提供的 Edge WebView2 Runtime 用于用户界面。如果尚未安装该运行时,在您点击“接受 – 下一步”时,它将被下载并安装。Edge WebView2 Runtime 可能会收集信息并将其发送至 Microsoft,以提供相关服务。详细信息请参阅 Microsoft 的隐私声明: https://aka.ms/privacy。
在安装过程中,我们还会询问您(i) 是否希望了解全功能的商业试用版本,(ii) 是否希望将产品仅供个人使用,或(iii) 是否已获得许可。根据您的选择,您可能会被导向我们的许可试用页面,或者您也可能会继续软件安装流程。在此期间,如果您决定注册TeamViewer账户,我们将收集您的姓名、电子邮件地址、您选择的密码以及您的登录时间、日期和时区,并为您的TeamViewer账户创建唯一的TeamViewer账户ID。
在某些国家/地区,TeamViewer 可能会要求用户提供电话号码,供核验身份使用。此举旨在强化安全,并确保具有适当的身份验证措施。
此外,TeamViewer 可能会出于许可证管理之目的处理您的个人信息。当客户通过许可证同步选项激活许可证时,TeamViewer 许可证服务器会核查所提交的信息,以便将许可证分配给正确的客户。此项核查可能会处理一些个人信息,如许可证信息(例如许可证 ID、角色和权限、类型)、系统信息(例如许可密钥、服务器配置)、用户信息(例如电子邮件地址、IP 地址、状态、语言、组织)或会话信息(例如 ID、安全令牌、IP 地址、用户名、设备等)。
TeamViewer 会处理与许可证管理有关的个人信息,以便为您分配所需的许可证,达成履行双方所订合同义务的目的。
您还可以选择通过第三方账号验证——如通过您在微软公司Microsoft或Google (Google Ireland Ltd.,地址Gorden House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland)等第三方服务商的账号——创建或登录TeamViewer帐户。这使您可以更方便地注册我们的产品。通过这种方式,我们为您提供了通过第三方账号验证注册或登录TeamViewer帐户以使用我们产品的可能性。
如果您使用第三方账号验证程序,则会将您转到第三方服务商的页面。在那里,您可以通过用户数据创建一个帐户或使用现有帐户登录。服务商将征求您的同意,以便向我们传递有关您帐户的某些信息。这些数据由该服务商收集,并根据其隐私声明的相关规定传送给我们。TeamViewer 从第三方服务商者处接收身份验证标记(token),其中包含用于创建或连接到您的帐户的信息(用户名和电子邮件地址)。TeamViewer将处理从此身份提供商处收到的电子邮件地址和用户名,以便注册并登录到您的帐户。要执行此身份验证过程,您的IP地址将被传输到相应的第三方服务商。我们无法影响第三方服务商数据收集的目的和范围以及对数据的进一步处理。如需更多相关信息,请阅读相应的第三方服务商的隐私政策。通过第三方服务商账号登录,即表示您同意将此相关数据传输给我们。TeamViewer还会直接从您那里收集提供帐户所需的一些信息(如前述第C.1.1.条)。您可以选择不使用第三方账号验证而使用我们自己的注册表来注册TeamViewer帐户,则不会有相应的第三方服务商处理您的数据。
处理与第三方账号验证相关的个人信息的法律依据是您的同意( GDPR 第 6 条第 1 款 a)项)。
当您运行TeamViewer软件客户端时,TeamViewer基础结构主机服务器将寄存该设备是否可用于与其他设备的连接会话。为此,该服务器将收集并处理您的IP地址、位置、TeamViewer ID、MID及您选择的用户昵称。在尝试连接另一台设备时,该等数据将在TeamViewer基础结构主机服务器、选定的TeamViewer路由器和您预设的连接伙伴的软件客户端之间进行交换。此外,我们的服务器将自动收集特定远程连接元数据(即日志,后续可用于解决和分析技术漏洞和问题)。
Frontline 和 Assist AR 除其他功能之外,还包括文本识别功能。该功能基于 Google LLC公司(地址为 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, United States)提供的文本识别 API,支持在 Frontline 和 Assist AR 所搭配使用的智能眼镜上激活光学字符识别 (OCR) 功能。在技术上可行的条件下,该 API 会不时连接 Google LLC服务器,以接收错误修复、型号更新和硬件加速器兼容性信息等内容。它还可能向 Google LLC发送有关该 API 在 Assist AR 应用中的性能和利用率的遥测数据。此类数据包括设备信息、应用程序信息、设备或其他标识符、性能指标、API 配置、事件类型和错误代码(有关更多信息可在本声明中查询)。Google LLC 会使用这些数据衡量相关性能,对该 API 其进行调试、维护和改进,并检测可能存在的误用或滥用情况,详情请参阅《Google 隐私政策》中的说明。
当您将相关受管设备添加至您的远程管理账户时,我们会激活该等设备,作为分配给您的许可的端点。为此,TeamViewer将收集和处理与此类受管设备相关的某些数据,例如:昵称、TeamViewer ID、MID、电子邮件地址、TeamViewer账户ID及TeamViewer许可ID。在端点激活期间,TeamViewer需要确保产品的使用符合《用户协议》和《产品规格》的规定。
如果您使用附加服务(例如,由 Malwarebytes Inc. 提供的安全服务、由 Ivanti UK Ltd. 提供的移动设备管理或由 Lansweeper NV 提供的设备管理和发现服务),我们可能会处理相关许可证信息,您的姓名、电子邮件地址、用户名、IP 地址、您的设备信息等,以便激活您的许可证,并将其与您的账户相应地关联起来。
为了分析服务器和设备日志,TeamViewer 可能会通过处理个人信息,分析各种漏洞、故障事件和其他问题,然后加以解决或修复。在此类分析过程中,可能会分析包括个人信息在内的某些信息,例如用户信息(如电子邮件、IP 地址、状态、语言、组织)、会话 ID、设备 ID、通话或工作流数据、许可证数据、通话 ID、工作流信息(ID、标题等)、多媒体资产(例如资产类型、ID、名称等)、与特定任务有关的信息(ID、名称、评论、创建日期等)或拣选信息(订单 ID、货架位置、状态等)。我们会处理与产品改进活动有关的个人信息,以便为您提供更出色、更完善的服务,更好地履行合同。
出于产品改进的目的,将对TeamViewer产品的整体使用模式进行分析,例如,分析有关如何使用软件和服务器服务的某些功能以及与各种功能之间的交互信息。其中可能包括会话元数据、产品功能的使用情况(包括远程控制、文件传输、设置等)以及使用频率。此信息有助于改进和进一步开发 TeamViewer 软件,例如,帮助决定是否应该保留或修改当前的产品功能,或者是否要创建新功能或改进设计。请注意, TeamViewer仅评估您与您的连接伙伴之间的互动,任何情况下均不会截取您与您的连接伙伴之间交换的信息和数据。
TeamViewer 可能会为了分析移动应用程序中的故障而处理您的个人信息。但只有在客户启用了自动故障日志的条件下,才会执行此项处理。在这种情况下,所有故障日志都会发送到 TeamViewer 服务器进行分析,然后实施错误修复措施。在此类故障日志中,可能包含有关会话的信息(ID、安全令牌、IP 地址、用户名、设备等)、设备信息(ID、设备名称、IP 地址、应用程序版本、设备日志)或用户信息(例如电子邮件、IP 地址、状态、语言、组织)。
如果您选择使用 TeamViewer 的 AI 服务,则需要您或您公司管理员激活这些服务。在这种情况下,我们可能会处理与服务激活相关的数据。为了提供更好的用户体验,我们在 AI 服务中部署了第三方的 AI 功能,使用这些功能可能涉及我们处理提交给它们的任何个人信息。我们建议用户避免提交敏感或机密信息。
此类处理的法律依据是履行 AI 服务条款和条件,即《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR) 第 6 条第 1 款 b 项。
我们可能会使用从您的输入、使用情况、交互、输出以及对 AI 服务的反馈中收集的数据,用于产品改进目的,包括功能和特性的增强与开发。此目的不涉及处理个人信息。因此,我们会尽可能在代表客户的情况下通过移除个人信息来对会话数据进行去识别化处理,以防止处理个人信息。然而,去识别化后仍可能会有少量的个人信息保留。为确保数据安全,TeamViewer 实施了额外的技术和组织措施,例如假名化以及更强的加密措施,仅出于技术原因处理随机化的 ID。这种方式确保了会话数据已被去识别,并且不再与会话参与者关联。
按本节所述处理您的个人信息的法律依据为基于我们的合法权益(GDPR第6条第1款f)项规定)。该处理符合 TeamViewer 和客户的共同合法利益,即提高用户体验并为客户和用户提供更准确可靠的服务。
客户、用户和员工的信息安全对我们而言至关重要。为实现上述目的,TeamViewer已实施多项流程和程序,以便及时发现和屏蔽欺诈或可疑活动。该等措施也有助于通过识别某些模式防止滥用和欺诈情况。为此,我们需要评估软件的使用情况,以识别滥用或异常模式,从而时刻帮助保护我们的网络和服务完整性。为此,我们可能会处理某些个人信息,例如与您的远程连接有关的数据、IP 地址、派生位置、各种用户交互和模式以及设备信息(例如TeamViewer ID)。这些流程的主要目的是实现上述目标,即保护利益相关方和 TeamViewer 的利益。
我们会与接收方共享有关处于连接状态的用户账号的信息,确保连接获得信任。用户账号数据可能包括所显示的国家/地区、电子邮件地址的域名、许可证状态、账号年限、VPN 使用情况等。
如果您使用我们免费版的软件(定义见《用户协议》),我们可能会根据《用户协议》第A.1条、 第B.1.1条、第B.2.2条及第B.1.8条的规定分析您的产品使用数据(示例见第节至第节),以评估您的使用模式是否符合您指定的使用目的,从而符合所选择的许可类型。该评估还可能包括对您在注册TeamViewer账号的过程中提供的电子邮件地址域名(见上述第C.1.1节)进行分析,并将得出相关“商业评分”。 根据此评分,我们可能会猜想根据您对我们产品的使用模式,可能需要一项付费许可(而非免费版),并且我们会相应通知您。
如果您以违反《用户协议》第B.1.8条的方式使用我们的产品,我们可能会限制或最终阻止您访问服务器服务,并要求您购买付费许可。 在某些情况下,这可能涉及自动决策流程,在该流程中,TeamViewer系统被配置为自动限制或阻止您使用产品。
我们还可能会处理与您的付款相关的某些个人信息。 如果出现拖欠付款的情形,除了付款提醒外,我们可能会根据我们的《用户协议》阻止您访问软件和服务器服务。
当您提供有关TeamViewer产品使用体验的反馈(例如通过我们的用户思维计划或通过报告故障或功能请求提供反馈)时,我们将收集并处理您的账户ID(如果您在登录状态下提供反馈)、您所在国家、语言设置以及您在询问中提交的任何信息(包括日志信息或屏幕截图等附件),其中可能包含您的电子邮件地址、姓名、公司信息、电话号码、许可密钥或您的TeamViewer设备ID。 您也可以向我们提供存储在您本地设备上的日志信息,以供分析之用。 在此情况下,我们将仅为解决问题之目的处理您的数据。
我们乐意接受任何负责任的披露,以提供更好的产品和服务。 因此,对于部分选定产品,我们通过 VDP(《漏洞披露政策》)为道德黑客提供明确的披露指导。 我们的目标是通过允许您调查和发现与安全使用我们的软件相关的各种漏洞和弱点,挑战自我。
TeamViewer可能会发送产品内消息(通过您的 TeamViewer ID,或者如果您是注册用户,则通过您的电子邮箱地址)联系或告知您我们产品的变化或改进、全新产品相关信息,或向您提供有关如何最好地使用我们产品的提示以及其他有用的信息(例如,关于折扣、免费或赠品的信息)。
如果您希望不再接收此类产品内消息,请按照我们社区内的指示操作。 如果您希望不再接收我们的电邮通讯,请点击电子邮件内包含的取消订阅按钮。
按本节所述处理您的个人信息的法律依据为我们的合法权益(GDPR第6条第1款f)项规定),亦属遵守《德国反不正当竞争法》第 7 条第 3 款的规定,或在某些情况下是您的同意( GDPR 第 6 条第 1 款 a) 项)。
我们的部分应用程序可以在Apple App Store等应用商店中下载。应用商店通常为应用程序开发者(就本产品隐私政策而言,即为TeamViewer)提供下载统计数据(包括相关应用程序评分)。请注意,此类数据基于我们的应用程序用户(包括您)的下载和评分,直接在应用商店内提供给TeamViewer。
有关应用商店如何处理您的个人信息的更多信息,请参见其各自的隐私政策,如Apple AppStore。
按本节所述处理您的个人信息的法律依据为我们的合法权益(GDPR第6条第1款f)项或第 6 条第 1 款 c) 项规定)。
此外,我们还使用外部服务提供商提供的服务,如Microsoft、Amazon Web Services EMEA(SARL,38 avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855, Luxemburg)、Inxmail GmbH(Wentzingerstr. 17, 79106 Freiburg)、Cloudflare(101 Townsend St, San Francisco, CA 94107)等,以及我们在全球范围内的集团网络(如位于希腊、美国、澳大利亚、奥地利、日本等地的 TeamViewer 子公司)的服务。
TeamViewer谨慎地选择所有第三方服务提供商,要求其承担保密义务,并根据GDPR的标准与其签订数据处理协议。如果您对我们使用的第三方有任何疑问,请通过[email protected]与我们联系。
若TeamViewer将您的个人信息从欧盟或欧洲经济区传输到不具欧盟认可的适当数据保护水平的国家时,我们将采取保障措施来充分保护您的个人信息。 特别是,我们将与相应的实体签订标准合同,并根据适用法律进行所需的数据传输影响评估。 请参考此链接,以获得关于向欧盟或欧洲经济区以外的处理者传输个人信息的标准合同条款的进一步信息。
TeamViewer 会根据相关法律基础和处理目的在一定时间内保留您的个人信息。因此,具体的保留期限取决于个人信息的类别及其处理目的。在某些情况下,我们依法需在特定时间内保留个人信息。一旦该期限结束且不再存在处理数据的目的,我们将根据数据保护义务删除或匿名化这些数据。
关于您的 TeamViewer 账户信息,只要用户关系存在,我们会继续保留这些信息。一般情况下,TeamViewer 账户会在两年未活动后删除。“未活动”是指您未通过有效的互联网连接登录您的 TeamViewer 账户。只要账户连接或绑定有效的付费许可证,账户即被视为活跃状态。由于地区要求和/或安全原因,可能会有不同的删除期限适用。
就此而言,请参阅我们的《通用隐私政策》的第 C.6 节。
您可以通过书面形式或电子邮件([email protected])与我们联系,以便在适用的法律规定范围内行使以下权利:
TeamViewer的对应监管机构为:Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, Königstraße 10a, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany(德国)。
如果您对TeamViewer处理您的个人信息有任何疑问,请联系[email protected]。
TeamViewer 已审查巴西数据保护法《通用数据保护法》(Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais)(第 13,709/2018 号法律)(“LGPD”)这一合规性专题内容,以确保我们根据 GDPR 规定设立的措施和程序涵盖了 LGPD 中的主题。TeamViewer 为巴西的访问者和用户推出了根据 LGPD 拟定的隐私权声明,详情请查阅 www.teamviewer.com/privacy。
Version as of April 2022
We, TeamViewer SE, take protection of your personal data very seriously. The following notice provides an overview of how we ensure this protection and what kind of data is processed, and why. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, for example your name, address, email addresses, number of shares, the information which intermediary bank you are using.
TeamViewer SE, Bahnhofsplatz 2, 73033 Göppingen, [email protected], is controller of your personal data pursuant to Art. 4 para. 7 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
TeamViewer SE appointed Ms. Katja Hauser as external data protection officer, who can be reached at [email protected], or at intersoft consulting services AG, DSB TeamViewer, Dürener Str. 189, 50931 Cologne.
TeamViewer SE collects and processes different categories of personal data depending on the relevant purpose of the use, especially in connection with the management of investor and shareholder relations. The following sections outline the categories of data processed by us and respective purposes for such processing. If the legal basis for a processing is your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time, such withdrawal however will not have any impact on the legitimacy of the processing itself prior to withdrawal of your consent.
We may process your personal data collected at the events or roadshows, such as your name and contact information, as well as in connection with our Investor Relations News Alert (in case you have subscribed to it) or if you decide to get in touch with us via email or phone. Legal basis for the processing is your consent, Art. 6, para. 1 lit (a) GDPR or our legitimate interest, Art. 6, para. 1 lit (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is to answer your questions, provide information and maintain our investor relations.
We may process your personal data such as your name, contact information, your email address, your representative, your intermediary bank, number of shares in connection with you purchasing shares in TeamViewer SE. Such information is used to fulfil our legal obligations (e.g. inform the regulatory bodies if shareholders reach certain levels of share ownership) as well as organize annual shareholder meetings (“Shareholder Meeting”), including but not limited to preparing and sending out the invitations, issuing voting cards or respectively voting right tickets, compiling the list of participants and processing the power of attorneys. Legal basis for the processing is the legal obligation under stock corporation law to which we are a subject to, Art. 6, para. 1 lit (c) GDPR.
We may conduct our Shareholder Meetings either in person or without presence using the means of remote communication (“virtual Shareholder Meeting”) with the option of participating by an electronic connection.
In order to enable shareholders and their representatives to participate in the Shareholder Meeting (e.g. by checking their eligibility to participate) and to exercise their rights at the Shareholder Meeting (including granting and revoking powers of attorney and instructions) as well as to ensure a proper conduct of the Shareholder Meeting, the observance of voting bans, the lawful adoption of resolutions and evaluation of cast votes at the Shareholder Meeting, we may process the name, contact information, registration number, number of shares, voting behavior and results, submitted questions, statements (in writing or via video message), motions, counter-motions, nominations, instructions and objections of our shareholders and their representatives, and login information for our designated shareholder portal (shareholder/voting card number and password). Legal basis for the processing is the legal obligation under stock corporation law to which we are a subject to, Art. 6, para. 1 lit (c) GDPR.
The entire Shareholder Meeting may be broadcast live and publicly accessible on the Internet by means of video and audio transmission. If the Shareholder Meeting is conducted in person and you enter the recording area or make a verbal contribution during recording activities, this live broadcast will include your appearance and verbal contribution. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6, para. 1 lit (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is to enable interested shareholders and the public to follow the Shareholder Meeting via the Internet in accordance with the express permission in the German Stock Corporation Act and our by-laws.
Insofar as we take down in shorthand your verbal contributions during the Shareholder Meeting without being legally obliged to do so, this is done to ensure the proper conduct of the Shareholder Meeting and to be able to deal with your questions and motions. The stenographic minutes will not be published. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6, para. 1 lit (f) GDPR and our legitimate interest is to ensure that the Shareholder Meeting is executed properly and that our shareholders’ participation rights can be realized in the best possible way.
If you make use of the opportunity to submit questions, statements (in writing or via video message), motions, counter-motions, nominations or other requests that are dealt with or made available during or before the Shareholder Meeting, this will generally be done by stating your name, which other participants of the Shareholder Meeting may take note of. If we are not legally obliged to state your name in this context, the legal basis for the processing is Art. 6, para. 1 lit (f) GDPR and our legitimate interest is to inform the other shareholders of the name of the applicant.
If we conduct the Shareholder Meeting virtually, the shareholders and their representatives will not be able to physically attend the meeting. They can, however, follow the entire meeting via video and audio transmission through the designated shareholder portal. In connection with the virtual Shareholder Meeting we will process your voting card number, log-in password, type of the power of attorney and personal data of your representative, as well as the instructions issued in connection with the Shareholder Meeting and any other information submitted by you in the shareholder portal. Legal basis for the processing is the legal obligation under stock corporation law to which we are a subject to, Art. 6, para. 1 lit (c) GDPR.
If we conduct a virtual Shareholder Meeting and provide the shareholder portal to enable you to conveniently manage your shareholder data, we will collect and process certain personal data on the web server log files, when you visit our shareholder portal in order to log in to attend the virtual Shareholder Meeting, manage your shareholder data or exercise your shareholder’s rights:
Your browser automatically transfers this data to us when you visit our shareholder portal.
Legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest, Art. 6, para. 1 lit (f) GDPR, since we have a legitimate interest in making the shareholder portal available to you and your representatives so that you can exercise your shareholder rights in a user-friendly manner and participate in the virtual Shareholder Meeting.
If we use cookies in the provision of the shareholder portal, we will only do so if this is necessary for the operation of the shareholder portal or if you have given your consent. In this case, when you visit the shareholder portal, we will inform you in a pop-up window about our cookies and associated data processing before using cookies and, if necessary, ask you for your voluntary consent.
If you are a shareholder, we receive your personal data either directly from you or from the custodian credit institutions or intermediaries who are involved in the deposit of shares you purchased.
If you act as representative of a shareholder, we receive your personal data from the shareholder who granted you the power of attorney and directly from you as far as your behavior during the Shareholder Meeting or your use of the shareholder portal is concerned.
TeamViewer SE’s employees, who administer, maintain and manage our internal processes, will have access to your personal data. To that end, TeamViewer SE has strong technical and organizational security measures to protect personal data against unauthorized disclosure to third parties and to ensure that only relevant individuals, who act within their job description and have a need-to-know interest in accessing any of your personal data, will have access to the data for which they have sufficient clearance.
Aside from TeamViewer SE’s employees, your personal data may be processed by employees of third-party services providers, who assist us in our daily business, such as providers of IT operation and maintenance services, (cloud) storage service providers and providers of (cloud) collaboration tools, as well as PR agencies. We use certain service providers in order to provide services typical for the capital market, such as EQS Group AG and Nasdaq Corporate Solutions International Ltd. for the management of investor relations as well as Link Market Services GmbH for the management of shareholder relations and Shareholder Meetings. Link Market Services GmbH also operates the shareholder portal used for organizing virtual Shareholder Meetings, exclusively on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions.
TeamViewer SE selects all third-party service providers with due care, obligates them to confidentiality, and concludes data processing agreements (DPAs) with them (including the providers listed above) in accordance with the standards of the GDPR, as applicable. Should you have any questions about third parties we use, please contact us at [email protected].
In addition to above cases, your personal data may also be disclosed during or in connection with the Shareholder Meetings. If you, as a shareholder, make use of the opportunity to submit questions and your questions are dealt with during the Shareholder Meeting, this will generally be done by stating your name. The above applies likewise regarding the submission of statements (in writing or via video message), the publication of which will show your name and, in the case of a statement via video message, images of yourself. If you submit items for the agenda, motions, counter-motions or nominations that we have to make publicly available, e.g. on our company’s website, before the Shareholder Meeting pursuant to our obligations under stock corporation law, this will also generally be done by stating your name. Other participants of the Shareholder Meeting or even the public may take note of this. Furthermore, other shareholders, their representatives where applicable or other participants of the meeting can view the personal data contained in the participant list during the Shareholder Meeting and, if applicable, up to two years thereafter in accordance with Sec. 129 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).
TeamViewer SE will generally not transfer your personal data outside the EU and/or EEA. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, which include data transfers for group internal IT services provided from outside the EU, including Australia, USA and Armenia. TeamViewer SE will otherwise transfer your personal data outside the EU and/or EEA only when required to do so by law or in case of orders from a competent authority. Currently we transfer personal data to our provider Nasdaq Corporate Solutions International Ltd. in the US. Legal basis for such transfer is a DPA with EU standard contractual clauses.
Whenever TeamViewer SE transfers your personal data out of the EU or the EEA to countries that do not have an adequate level of data protection recognized by the EU, we will apply safeguards to adequately protect your personal data. In particular, we will conclude standard contractual clauses with corresponding entities and /. Please refer to https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/data-transfers-outside-eu/model-contracts-transfer-personal-data-third-countries_en to obtain further information on the Standard Contractual Clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors established outside the EU or the EEA.
We will not share your personal data with local authorities or courts except where we are required to do so by applicable law, a court order or a legally binding injunction. We may be obliged to pass on your personal data to other recipients, such as when publishing voting rights notifications in accordance with the provisions of the German Securities Trading Act, or to authorities in order to comply with statutory notification obligations (e.g. to financial or criminal prosecution authorities).
Your personal data will be deleted once you withdraw consent, or once the purpose for processing has ceased to exist. In some cases, TeamViewer SE is legally obligated to retain data for a certain period of time. Your personal data will be deleted or anonymized as soon as they are no longer required for the purposes listed under Section C. and if the deleting or anonymizing does not conflict with legal requirements for proof and storage.
You may choose not to provide your personal data or provide incomplete personal data. However, by not providing your personal data, we may not be able to provide you with the relevant service or support, e.g. enable you to participate in our Shareholder Meeting or use all of the functionalities of our website; where we ask for consent and you choose not to provide it, or you block, disable or delete cookies, we may not be able to provide you with the information or service requested.
You may contact us, e.g. under [email protected], in order to exercise the following rights to the extent you are entitled to under applicable law:
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in relation to the processing of your personal data. In order to lodge a complaint, please contact the supervisory authority competent for your place of residency or alternatively, you may contact “Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, Lautenschlagerstraße 20, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany“.
Should you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
TeamViewer may, from time to time, make amendments to this notice to reflect the changes in our processing activities.
Version as of March 2024
This Privacy Annex for users located in Brazil supplements the information contained in the TeamViewer Privacy Policies located at www.teamviewer.com/en-us/privacy-policy and applies solely to visitors, users and others who reside in Brazil (“consumers” or “you”). We adopt this annex to comply with the Brazilian Data Protection Law Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (Law No. 13,709/2018) (“LGPD”). Any terms defined in the LGPD have the same meaning when used in this annex.
On September 18, 2020, the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (“LGPD”) came into effect for Brazilian residents. In addition to the rights outlined in our Privacy Policies, as a user located in Brazil, you may be able to exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information that we have collected, subject to certain limitations:
Please note that not all of these rights listed above are absolute, and limitations/exceptions apply in some cases. For example, we may not be able to fully comply with your request if we are bound by certain legal restrictions or contractual requirements, but in those circumstances, we will still respond to notify you of such a decision.
Exercising Data Portability and Deletion Rights
To exercise the data portability and deletion rights described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to us by contacting us under [email protected], at 1-800-638-0253, or submitting a ticket on our website.
We will need to verify your identity before processing your request. The verifiable consumer request must:
We cannot respond to your request or provide you with personal information if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the personal information relates to you. Making a verifiable consumer request does not require you to create an account with us. We will only use personal information provided in a verifiable consumer request to verify the requestor’s identity or authority to make the request.
Response Timing and Format
We endeavor to respond to a verifiable consumer request within thirty (30) days. The response we provide may explain the reasons we cannot comply with a request, if applicable. For data portability requests, we will select a format to provide your personal information that is readily useable and should allow you to transmit the information from one entity to another entity without hindrance.
For orders placed in Brazil, PPRO Payment Services (“PPRO”) may provide you with payment processing services. In such cases, once the registration on the TeamViewer website is completed, the user will be able to choose among the local payment methods that PPRO makes available. The user acknowledges and declares that, before making the purchase, they knew of and had access to the information about the goods and services offered, in addition to the specific conditions related to the user's rights, according to the payment instrument used at the time of purchase fully and unlimitedly exempting PPRO from any liability in relation to the purchase carried out on the TeamViewer website. The user also declares they are aware and agrees to only provide correct and truthful information when making the purchase, fully and unlimitedly exempting PPRO from any responsibility for the data provided.
We reserve the right to amend this privacy annex at our discretion and at any time.
If you have any questions or comments about this annex, our Privacy Policies, the ways in which we collect and use your personal information, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under Brazilian law, you may contact us at:
Attn: LGPD Data Processing Officer Committee
5741 Rio Vista Drive
Clearwater, FL 33760
United States of America
[email protected]
本数据保护信息表概述TeamViewer Germany GmbH(TeamViewer德国有限公司),公司地址Bahnhofsplatz 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany(德国)(以下简称“TeamViewer”或“我们”),如何收集和处理客户的个人数据。
数据主体可以通过发送电子邮件至[email protected]、通过或以书面形式发送至TeamViewer Germany GmbH,Bahnhofsplatz 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany(德国) ,联系我们行使其权利。
数据保护专员。TeamViewer任命一名外部数据保护专员(DPO)。您可通过电邮[email protected]联系数据保护专员。您也可以自由联系对应的监管机构:Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, Königstraße 10a, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany(德国)。
有关安全措施和证书的进一步信息。有关TeamViewer及其合作伙伴的安全和数据保护措施以及我们的证书(例如,ISO 9001、SOC2、SOC3、HIPPA/HITECH和ISO 27001)的更多信息可以在Trust Center - TeamViewer网页找到。