我们将在本文中了解,在AppConfig和移动设备管理(MDM)解决方案的帮助下向您展示TeamViewer 不同Android应用程序的所有可能配置。
本文适用于所有TeamViewer Corporate 或 Tensor用户。 配置需要支持AppConfig的MDM(https://www.appconfig.org/)。
请联系TeamViewer 支持团队以获取您的公司或账户ID。
Key | Description | Remote control | QuickSupport | Host | Assist AR |
keepAliveServerName |
(Deprecated) Let the app connect to a dedicated router. |
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conditionalAccessServers |
Let the app connect to one of the given dedicated routers. Separate the routers by a semicolon. |
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ConfigurationID |
Configuration ID from the Management Console is used to automatically assign the device to a TeamViewer account after start of the Host app. Configuration ID is also used to apply custom module parameters for the QuickSupport app. |
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AssignmentID |
Assignment ID is used to automatically assign the device as a Managed Device after start of the Host app. The TeamViewer account the device is assigned to is defined in the TeamViewer Management Console. |
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partnerListApiToken |
API Token needed to add a device to a group automatically. Group ID + Api Token is mandatory to add the device. |
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partnerListDeviceName |
Change the device name that is used to add the device to a group. By default, we take the device name consisting of the brand, model, and Serial (if accessible). |
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partnerListGroupId |
Group ID that the device will be added to. Group ID + Api Token is mandatory to add the device. |
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whitelistAccounts |
Add allowlisted accounts by adding their account ID separated by a semicolon. |
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whitelistCompanies |
Add allowlisted companies by adding their Company ID separated by a semicolon. |
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customModuleConfigId |
Add your Assist AR module config ID from the Management Console to show Customer Terms of Service. |
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sessionRequestConfigurationId |
Add your session request configuration ID from the Management Console, so that the user is able to request a session without sharing the TeamViewer ID. |
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allowAssignmentRemoval |
Use this key to define whether manual removal of assignments is allowed on Android Host devices. The default value is "true". |
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